DPN and Connection

What should I do if the device is in normal use for a period of time and suddenly can not connect to the Internet?

Restart the device along with connected network hardware such as the router or modem.

I have a few websites that I cannot connect to when I have my Deeper device plugged in, any solutions?

You can check in the System ---> Log to see if it is blocked. If blocked, please add these sites to: Security--->Web Filter--->UserConfig--->Whitelist.

I have my mini set up and sharing, in the tunnel info area why are there only 8 nodes in the US? Shouldn’t there be more? How do I make sure I am sharing to the network?

On the map of the Dashboard, if a blue connecting line appears. It proves that there are other Deeper users connected to this device. The more blue lines you have means the more bandwidth you are sharing. The number of nodes seen does not represent every node in that region but the nodes that your device is connected to.

My main concern is using Binance as a US resident. Will the DPN automatically know to provide a tunnel through a country that is not banned or is that something I will have to do myself?

Please follow the link (or navigate to the DPN Routing page) to set up routing Binance through a Singapore tunnel (or another country where Binance is allowed). After the configuration is complete, clean the browser cache and restart your browser.


When I switch the IP in the Tunnel section, does the IP shown belong to some individual?

When you switch IP, your own IP won't change. The changed IP you see there is the IP of the node, not the real personal IP.

I live in the UK. When I have Smart Route on I'm being redirected to US Binance but that's not on my list of addresses to redirect, why is it doing this?

On the tunnel page, is there a tunnel in the USA? You can use DPN--->Routing--->Query Routing and enter binance.com to query what tunnel is used by this site. If the tunnel in the USA is used automatically, you can add Binance to the Direct Route list (if you want to access via your local connection) or add a rule specifying which country you want to access Binance from.

How can I use Smart Route and just have one computer/IP address tunnel out everything to a specific tunnel?

Use full routing and smart routing at the same time? This cannot be done. If you only need one Internet terminal device to use full routing, it cannot be done in the LAN to which Deeper is connected. You can only connect a Deeper device in front of this independent Internet terminal device to set up individually.

Why in the dashboard notifications do I see connections with China and I do not have any tunnels activated in that region? Why are the arrows sometimes not represented on the map but they are reflected in the notifications and I have to restart my modem so that the arrows are redrawn?

The tunnel indicator line connecting from China should be blue. This indicates that a Chinese user has established a connection with your Deeper device. They will share the use of your broadband data.

In the dashboard, the tunnel indicator line in the map disappears. This is because the tunnel you are using has disconnected all nodes. Under normal circumstances, it will automatically recover, and rebooting the Deeper device is not required.

When I connect to the USA region I only get 3-4 tunnels, why not more? Also, when I choose Romania, I cannot connect to any tunnels there, why is that?

The tunnel in each country can only connect up to 5 nodes in the current version. This is to avoid wasting computing power.

There may be a Deeper user in Romania, but he cannot serve as a stable node for users from other countries and regions to connect. As more devices are shipped around the world, more tunnels will be available and the network will improve.

I only have a coaxial cable going from the wall to my router. Can I still use the Mini?

You either have ethernet over coax (MoCA) or you have an integrated router/modem. In either case you will either need another router to connect after the Mini or you can use the Deeper WIFI adapter found here https://shop.deeper.network/

I set up the Deeper Connect device correctly, why can I not connect to the internet?

It could be because the SD card was not inserted properly in the Deeper Connect device. Try to take out the SD card gently and insert it back carefully. Please do not force the SD card back into the slot and break the card. Contact support at tech.support@deeper.network if you encounter further problems.

Can I access my IoT devices from outside my home with my cellphone?

Not yet. We are working on an Atom Wi-Fi software that supports Wi-Fi. It will be announced soon. Users will be able to download it to their laptops and mobiles for remote use.

How can I use DCM (Deeper Connect Mini) when traveling?

There are two ways you can use DCM when travelling:

You will need to bring a DCM with you to a hotel, use an Ethernet cable to connect the DCM between your PC and an Internet port in your hotel room. After connecting, please reboot your PC and you should be able to go online.

The system will support Wi-Fi. We'll officially announce it soon. Users will only need to plug in a Wi-Fi dongle adapter to be able to use DCM when traveling.

Does the device need to always be connected to your servers in order to work?

We recommend that you connect and keep your Deeper Connect running 24/7. Its function is to protect your whole network at all times from online threats. To clarify this network is decentralized so the “servers” are other users with devices which are not under our control. Additionally, you will be rewarded by keeping the device online through mining rewards. The technology we have created can continue working independently of the future of our company, so our device is a good investment.

Can the device be set as a static IP?

Currently we use dynamic IPs, and they switch randomly every few hours.

Why does is my IP address not hidden when using the Smart Route DPN mode?

Smart Routing does not route all your traffic through a single location to hide your IP address, this is what the Full Route feature is for. Smart Route allows you to route domains to multiple locations simultaneously as well as intelligently pass traffic through tunnels when necessary and using your local connection otherwise. Therefore, your IP address will be hidden using Smart Route when configured or when necessary to do so, otherwise, using Full Route will hide your IP address completely for all your online traffic.

Last updated