Domain config

configure website, app domain access

In certain cases, configuring specific tunnels for certain domains can improve the internet experience when accessing those domains.

On the domain config operation page, there are two sections:

  • Smart route list: Allows you to configure different tunnels for different domains at the same time by specifying the domain and selecting a specific tunnel.

  • Direct Route List: Allows you to specify "Direct" for a domain, bypassing any tunnels and using local traffic directly.

To add to the smart route list, enter the domain you want to configure in the domain input box, select the desired country or region for the tunnel, and click "ADD." Note: Remove "http://" and "https://" from the domain, only input the main domain.

To add to the Direct Route List, enter the domain you want to configure in the domain input box and click "ADD." Note: Remove "http://" and "https://" from the domain, only input the main domain.

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