
6 sections

This page displays all hardware information, system version information, feature library information, network information, network session information, and upgrade information.

Section 1: This section displays the serial number of the DeeperConnect device, CPU information (number of cores, current temperature, usage), and memory information (memory capacity, usage, usage rate).

Section 2: This section shows the current version of AtomOS being used, the App feature library version, and the Web Filter feature library version.

Section 3: This section displays the IP address obtained by AtomOS, the MAC address of the upstream network device, and the MAC address used by this device to connect to the network.

Section 4: This section displays the maximum number of concurrent sessions supported by AtomOS, the current number of active sessions, and the number of TCP/UDP/ICMP/DPN TUNNEL connections.

Section 5: This section displays the on/off switch for automatic updates in AtomOS and the latest version currently available online.

Section 6: This section displays the hardware usage (CPU, memory) of DeeperConnect over the past 24 hours.

Last updated